Archive for the ‘ Invisalign ’ Category
Invisalign – Your Smile in 3D
Invisalign combines our clinical treatment plan with 3-D computer-generated software to make sets of unique custom-made aligners that move teeth in precise increments.
Invisalign®: Finally, a Straighter Smile for Anyone!
Ten years ago, it was rare to see braces on the teeth of an adult. Options for straightening teeth simply did not exist widely for the adult population. It wasn’t that adults couldn’t have braces, it was just that they didn’t want to be seen in public with them. After all, it’s one thing to […]
Invisible Braces: Not Just for Looks
When most of us think of invisible braces such as Invisalign®, we naturally assume that their sole purpose is to enhance the aesthetic value of one’s smile.
Straight Teeth Without the Brackets and Wires: Invisalign®
Nothing compares to the look a child gives us when he or she is told they need braces. The fact of the matter is that many kids and young adults do eventually need some sort of treatment to fix gaps and cracks in their smile. But unfortunately, the combination of metal wires and crooked teeth […]